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Private Counseling:


Dysfunctional/Disordered Eating:

Take this quiz (click here) to evaluate your relationship with food. Let go of food restrictive behaviors and enter a symbiotic relationship with food to fit your individual lifestyle!

Woman’s Health:

Pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. Learn how the relationship with food and our bodies change during these stages and phases of life.

Functional Nutrition:

Looking at every aspect of one’s health from diet, to sleep, stress, and other lifestyle factors. Total body wellness involves a total body approach.

Insulin Resistance, Diabetes:

Understand the science behind diabetes and how to incorporate this into your food relationship without restriction and abuse, while still managing your blood sugar.

Family Nutrition:

How to cultivate a healthy relationship with food in the home and raise intuitive eaters (infant-teen).

Digestive Aliments IBS, IBD, SIBO, GERD:

Listen to your gut they say! What is your gut telling you? Learn more about your microbiome to enhance total body wellness and decrease digestive aliments.

Infant, Child, Teen Nutrition:

How to create and nurture a healthy relationship with food during these vital stages of life.

Exercise Nutrition and Intuitive Movement:

Develop a food relationship to optimize physical performance and recovery. Develop exercise plan to promote quality and intuitive movement.



Feeding Firsts: Eating is a behavior, not a science! It can be stressful enough feeding ourselves, let alone our children! If you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure how, when, and/or what to feed your little, I'm here to help. This course will give you all the information you need to feel competent, comfortable and ready to create a stress-free eating experience for your little and your family!

Click Here To Sign UP


Workshops & Speaking Engagements:


Hire me to speak with your group about any topics listed above. This can be in the form of a presentation, workshop, or Q&A. Contact me to discuss a personalized workshop that fits your needs.

Contact Us


Unique Opportunities:


Do you have a project/idea/opportunity that you feel could use my expertise? Lets connect to brainstorm how we can build a symbiotic relationship!

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